Would You Like To Donate To Us?❤️

A&B Trendz thanks you all for the continued support over the years. We've been working hard to provide hot new inventory at an affordable price for you all but life is extremely unpredictable. As some of you may know, I recently gave birth to my only daughter 5 months ago. I am now a single mom of 3 and working double time trying to be the best mom I can be while providing for my child although this journey has been extremely hard, Im still fighting to keep my business open for all of my wonderful customers and supporters. Thank you all so much for being patient with A&B Trendz and remaining LOYAL during this process of growth. If you would like to donate to A&B Trendz or simply show love to the owner, Shontae Wilson the information will be listed below. May your seed of sowing multiply blessings into you and your families life x10❗ Thank You All So Much❤️❤️

Cash App $Abtrendz

Zelle: 321-442-7132 (Shontae Wilson)





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